Shoshanna Raven

Who doesn’t love a good success story?  To some, it may seem like they’re hard to come by.  However, these days, some of the folks who create their own success are helping others to do the same.

Today, we’re here to cover one such story.  Shoshanna Raven is a yoga instructor who became a seven-figure entrepreneur.  How did it happen?

Well, that’s what we’ll be looking at.  Beyond that, though, we’ll look at some of the communities that form around goals of entrepreneurship, self-sufficiency, and more.  If that sounds interesting, be sure to stick around!

A Deep Dive: Shoshanna Raven

Naturally, our first step here is to learn more about Shoshanna—who she is, and what she does for our communities.  As we mentioned, she got her start as a yoga teacher.  In that sense, it’s not hard to see where her eventual messaging would stem from.

After all, yoga is about reclaiming parts of ourselves and finding inner peace.  That peace is often a necessity when it comes to success in other parts of life.  What came next for her?

Well, she’s now an entrepreneur and life coach.  There’s a lot to unpack there.  What does all of that even mean?


One of the biggest tenets Shoshanna Raven talks about is “living brave.”  This is something that will probably come up in most content you hear from her (or read about her).  Why is that, though?

Well, she’s someone who prides themselves on being outspoken.  She stands up for herself and for what’s right.  She also discusses taboo topics that others might not.  That includes sex, money, and power—just to name a few.  

It’s easy to see why she’s gained popularity, in that sense.  You can read more about that here:  She’s gone onto many podcasts, and even ran her own.

Having the courage to speak up about things not many people do is part of her method.  She often discusses the value of living authentically and being yourself.  That’s a message all of us can get behind.

Owning Your Story

Obviously, we won’t be getting into every detail of Shoshanna Raven’s advice here.  Instead, let’s pivot into some general things she has to say, and how it connects with the wider business community.  The first one is, of course: owning your story.

What does this even mean?  Admittedly, it seems a bit abstract at first.  Allow us to explain.

Each of us comes from a unique place.  It’s important to acknowledge this and accept it.  In turn, we can use that to propel ourselves forward.

After all, this also means we each have our own skills.  Everyone brings something unique to the table.  Do your best to be true to yourself, and you can achieve great things.


Another thing that’s worth keeping in mind is networking.  You can read more about it on this page, if you’re not familiar with it.  Thankfully, most people in the business world do understand it to some extent by now.

Overall, it’s one of the most important skills an aspiring entrepreneur can have.  In fact, it’s a crucial component of personal and professional development.  Shoshanna touches upon this often in her podcast interviews.

Essentially, she discusses how it can be useful to put yourself in the room with powerful people.  Get to know them and understand their strategies.  In turn, you can start to understand those techniques as well.

What benefits could that bring?  Well, there are plenty.  Career opportunities are a big one, of course.  However, those opportunities aren’t limited to working for someone else.  You can also become your own boss.

Of course, knowledge sharing is another big one.  Engaging with others in your field allows for the exchange of ideas.  You can also share experiences and best practices.  Overall, it’s not hard to see why networking is such a key part of Shoshanna Raven’s life coaching advice.


As we’ve mentioned, she has several pillars of lifestyle that she recommends.  Another is, as you probably guessed, leadership.  Specifically, leading the people around you by being your authentic self.  That’s easier said than done.

How does one achieve this?  Well, this is a leadership style that emphasizes genuineness, transparency, and ethical behavior.  That’s the primary way to lead authentically.

The main benefit of this is creating and fostering an environment of trust and respect.  When it comes to running a business, those are all things that are quite important.  It’s no surprise, then, that this is a key part of Shoshanna Raven’s advice.

Staying True to Yourself in Marketing

Starting a business can be scary.  Running it on a day-by-day basis isn’t always easy either.  That much is clear to most of us, right?

One of the biggest parts of running a business or being an entrepreneur is understanding marketing.  Naturally, you’ll find a ton of advice online about how to successfully market.  However, something that’s important to keep in mind is that you should do your best to stay true to yourself in the process.

Don’t compromise your own beliefs and values in marketing materials.  Stand up for yourself and your business instead!  This sort of go-getter confidence definitely has an impact on effectiveness.

After all, customers are attracted to that sort of thing.  They want to support businesses that they see as being true and honest.  That’s one of the key pillars of successful entrepreneurship.

Overall, it’s not always easy to live bravely and be true to ourselves.  However, it’s hard to deny how important it can be to do so.

That’s why there are life coaches like Shoshanna Raven who spread this messaging.  It’s worth tuning in and listening to, certainly.  Understanding these communities and fostering relationships with like-minded people is also a big deal.

Hopefully, the resources we’ve provided today can help you achieve that.  Although it can feel daunting to put ourselves out there, it’s worth it in the end.  Just look to other success stories for proof of that fact!

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