Africa Entrepreneurship Innovation Hub Press Release

AfriLabs Network Expands to 45 African Countries

AfriLabs, the largest pan-African network technology and innovation centres, has admitted 27 new hubs into her network, extending her reach

Accelerator Africa Entrepreneurship Innovation

HiiL Innovating Justice Challenge 2019 Now Open For Entries

The Hague Institute for Innovation of Law’s (HiiL) Innovating Justice Challenge 2019 is now open for entries. HiiL is looking

Africa Entrepreneurship Event Startup

Publiseer Among 100 Selected Startups For Africa Moves Summit in Tunis

Publiseer, the Nigerian digital content distribution startup, has been selected as one of the 100 most innovative and promising African

Africa Business Entrepreneurship Funding Investment Social Entrepreneurship Startup Venture Capital

Nigeria Received The Most Startup Funding in Africa in 2018-Disrupt Africa

African tech startups smashed funding records in 2018 as 210 startups secured US$334.5 million worth of investment, with Nigeria emerging

Africa Entrepreneurship Innovation Startup Technology

Apply For the 4th Africa Energy Innovation Competition

The 4th Energy Innovation Challenge is set to upscale the development of early-stage energy firms across Africa. Across Africa, the

Africa Business

Djibouti Unveils ‘Africa’s Biggest Free Trade Zone’

Djibouti has launched the first phase of Africa’s biggest free-trade zone, seeking to capitalise on its strategic position on one of